The Tiller Land Vault is our unique approach when a confidential property listing is preferred or needed by the seller.

How the Tiller Land Vault works:

  1. Give us a call, we will discuss your options. If you think it’s the right decision, we put your land in our confidential Tiller Land Vault. No exclusive listing agreement required. We trust you.
  2. When buyers come to us, they are given a description only. No maps, no location, and no owner info. If they are still interested, WE CALL YOU. Once you give us your approval and they sign a confidentiality agreement we will provide the buyer with more specific details.
  3. We will make sure the rest of the process is as smooth as possible. Whether you decide to sell, or not, you have our promise of protection through the process.

Who does the Tiller Land Vault benefit? The Seller. Always, the seller.

Sellers are our priority at Tiller.

Keep your business, your business! Putting your farm in the Land Vault means that the sale of your property will be discrete. Having interested buyers sign a confidentially agreement before they find out the location and specific details of your land, is one way we protect your privacy.
Everyone on our team has a farming background, we understand the struggles that can come with the decision to sell your farm and we want to make the process simple and easy.
We want to arm you with the knowledge to make an informed decision you feel good about. Because of our background in farming, we can provide you with valuable information and help you develop a plan. We promise to be transparent and honest, even if it costs us the sale. We would rather lose a possible sale knowing you made the decision you felt was best, rather than leading you to a decision that you will regret.